The Fort Loudoun Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) was organized December 2, 1921. The chapter was named for the fort built in Winchester in 1756 during the French and Indian War, under the direction of George Washington.
Located in Frederick County, Clarke County, Warren County, and the City of Winchester in Virginia, our members are a diverse group of women ranging in ages from 19 to 99. We work locally, regionally, and nationally to carry out the DAR core mission objectives of promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America's future through better education for children.
The Fort Loudoun Chapter of the DAR invites your interest in sharing our common bonds of patriotism, education, and historic preservation. An excellent way to find out what we are all about and confirm your interest in the DAR is to attend one of our regular meetings as our guest! If you would like to join us for a chapter meeting, or would like more information about DAR and our chapter, please contact our chapter regent, who would love to hear from you. If you want more information about genealogy necessary to join and answers to any questions you might have regarding membership, please contact our chapter registrar.
We have monthly meetings the third Saturday of each month from September through June. Each meeting includes an interesting special program segment, usually featuring a guest speaker, on topics relevant to the DAR mission and of
general interest to our chapter and the community at large.
We thank you for your interest and invite you to learn more about the DAR and our local chapter through the links on this website or by contacting us. We think you’ll find the DAR a great way to get better acquainted with your community and make a meaningful difference locally and nationally—all while having fun! We look forward to hearing from you.